The "lovers of Modena" were two men

"The lovers of Modena" were two men The "lovers of Modena" were two men

El study of the dental enamel of the remains reveals the sex of the "lovers of Modena"

GAYLES.TV.- When in 2009 archaeologists discovered a couple of skeletons in the city of Modena they were surprised that they both lay hand in hand. In addition, the smallest had its head tilted looking at the other and they were baptized as «Lovers of Modena«. Now, thanks to scientific advances, it has been possible to determine the sex of the couple in question. The dental enamel of the remains has revealed that they are two men in their thirties.

«Two years ago, some English researchers discovered that a protein present in tooth enamel made it possible to identify the sex of the deceased. We tried it with lovers, and it worked", Explain Federico Luigi, one of the authors of this study that has been published in the journal Scientific reports. With the discovery of the protein amelogenin, which is divided, like chromosomes, into X and Y, and is found in human dental tissue, it has been possible to determine that the dental enamel of lovers had the same composition.

It is curious how now the experts do not agree on the type of relationship that the couple had. Previously, when it was believed that they were a man and a woman, everyone liked being called lovers and they were even a symbol of eternal love. With the recent discovery there is no consensus on whether or not it was a gay couple. Perhaps one of the main reasons for denying it is that in the year 390, the emperor Theodosius enacted legislation against homosexual practices with which two men who had a relationship could be arrested and sentenced.

Holding hands

In any case, the mystery of the lovers remains unresolved because it is not explained why they link their hands. Some researchers suggest that the two men were arranged like this, perhaps to symbolize the union of two companions in battle, or even because they were family. “All we can say is that the bodies were buried like this with a clear intention. It is a manifestation of something, it is clear, but we do not yet know what ”, explains Giulia Di Rocco, chemistry of the University of Modena and co-author of the study. “They can be brothers, friends, cousins ​​and even lovers. It is the furthest hypothesis, but we do not refute it", Add.

Source: Nature, National Geographic, El País

Photography: National Geographic, El País


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