2017, one year to claim

World-Pride-Madrid 2017, one year to claim

The FELGTB celebrates its 25 years coinciding with the "World Pride 2017" and the "Europa Pride"

EDITORIAL GAYLES.TV.- The FELGTB celebrates its 25 years in the trenches of the struggle for the LGTBI rights and it does so coinciding with the year of the "Europe Pride" and also with the celebration in Madrid of the "World Pride 2017", the great event on a world scale of Pride.

On the occasion of this important anniversary, the FELGTB has produced a video of a nature that, with the name of "2017, a year to claim", heralds the headlines of everything that we should never forget, because they are the axes that structure our struggle and the only bases on which a future coexistence in peace and equality will be possible.

The vindication of ANNUAL REPORT collective of the LGTBI struggle movement, because it is already known that whoever forgets history is forced to repeat it. Respect for DIVERSITY as an identity sign. The needWORLD PRIDE MADRID 2017 full VISIBILITY as the only road to effective integration. The insistence on COMPLAINT of any type of aggression, marginalization or violation of rights. The ACTIVISM as a necessary fighting tool. The EQUALITY as an irredeemable currency among all the people to whom the LGBT stands. The HUMAN RIGHTS as a global framework in which our demands are inscribed, because in the end it is not so long ago that the United Nations was tried to stop being considered as such. And finally the essential SOLIDARITY with all those peoples and individuals who suffer under the yoke of ferocious homophobia.

Because in this year that has just started, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals continue to have more than enough reasons to continue clamoring for their rights and occupy the streets. For all these reasons, the FELGTB has issued a statement encouraging the LGTBI collective to participate in all the acts of "World Pride 2017", while claiming to name the «2017, for LGTB Rights around the World».

And from that statement we gather a clamor that from Madrid this year should grow like an immense tsunami of vindication that flooded the consciences of all the countries of the world: "We are going to shake the world and to translate with our fight its turns in conquests, its turns in progress towards our emancipation in equality. Let's do, hand in hand, because we all deserve it, that every turn of the world in this year is a step in the conquest of happiness. "

Source: felgtb.org

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