ACEGAL partners have unanimously agreed to become the first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce active from Spain
GAYLES.TV- The Catalan Association of LGTBIQ Entrepreneurs (ACEGAL) has agreed unanimously in its assembly of partners to become the first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce active from Spain. The president of ACEGAL, Ferran Poca, explained the reasons for conversion into a chamber of commerce LGTBIQ: "The companies and professionals that work for the group have the mandate to create diverse and safe spaces by doing everything in our power so that the claims and rights achieved do not reverse«.».
Among the objectives of the LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce include:
- Bet on the internationalization of Barcelona, once again positioning itself as a reference city in tourism for the LGTBIQ community and rights.
- Claim to the administrations to be the valid and prestigious interlocutor to represent their associates and claim their interests.
- To promote the incorporation of good practices in the management of diversity in the business world through training and talks.
- Create the first European HUB aimed at all professionals who work with the group. It will function as a club of professionals and will offer resources, networking and tools for synergies and new projects aimed at the
According to little, the new chamber of commerce will function as a club of professionals and will offer resources, networking and tools to create synergies and new projects aimed at the collective. Besides, the LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce will continue to act as an engine of the collective's claims, in this way, it will continue to organize together with the 32 social entities addressed to the collective, the PRIDE! from Barcelona. Within the approved 2020 calendar of activities, the organization highlights an annual solidarity activity so that members and companies continue to contribute to important social causes for the group.
Source: ACEGAL, La Vanguardia
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