Mendiluce is dead. Pure Life!

José María Mendiluce Mendiluce is dead. Pure Life!

Last minute.-  José María Mendiluce He died today in Barcelona at the age of 65 as a result of a degenerative bone disease.

It is clear thatPura Vida Mendiluce Gayles.tvNobody stays here as a seed, but there are people who, when they die, make that phrase "the best ones go and the bastards are left". Because Mendiluce was one of the good guys, of those you want to play in your team, of those who go through life helping out in big and small causes. Born an April 14, a date that smells of freedom and revolt, his biography is like one of those suitcases that burst full and there is no way to close, because he did everything, he lived everything.

His youth in the anti-Franco struggle led him to know the jails of the dictatorship by military in the Revolutionary Communist League. He worked for years for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) leaving the soul in Angola, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, where it was needed. In 1991 he played a key role in denouncing the crimes against the Bosnian population in the Balkans. He was MEP for the PSOE, decorated with the Creu de Sant Jordi, president of Green Peace and candidate for the group of The Greens.

And of course we can not forget his role as a writer and chronicler. He was a regular contributor to The Country and the Newspaper of Cataloniaand published an extensive narrative work with titles such as "The armed love", "The smile of Ariadne" or "Pure life", work with which hemMendiluce Zero Gayles.tvI wanted to pay tribute to him in the title of this article. Because “pura vida” is for those who visit Costa Rica a curious way of greeting, but for the “Ticos” it symbolizes good living, exuberance, joy and the ability to find happiness in simple things. All a philosophy of life.

José María Mendiluce was the first active Spanish politician to come out of the closet in 2003 in an interview with the magazine Zero and he did it with elegance,  without noise or great boasts, as almost everything he did. We have no choice but to thank you from the bottom of our heart. Pure life, Jose Mari!

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