Italy intensifies the persecution of homosexual couples by abolishing the current municipal registry of their children
En Italy el ultra-right government chaired by Giorgia Meloni has taken an alarming step towards suffocating the few rights recognized in the country to the collective LGTBI. Until now, an informal solution for registering the children of homosexual couples consisted of a false alternative that allowed them to be registered as Adopted children by one of the members of the couple in the municipalities that enabled it (always progressive). That shameful loophole has been suspended while the State Attorney files appeals to delete the records with the immediate consequence of linking the child to a sole parent.
For example in Milan, for more than four years, the progressive mayor Giuseppe Sala, has allowed the names of both parents to be entered on the birth certificates of the children of homosexual couples. Up to now I have registered 400 creatures. But he will not be able to do it anymore, by order of the Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi, who has sent a letter through the government delegation in which he asks him to stop doing so based on a law of the 2004 on medically assisted procreation, which in this country is only allowed for couples of different sex.
European certificate
The scope of the measures taken by the Government of Brothers of Italy is cross-border because also the Senate has refused approval of the european certificate that homogenized this type of records and protected the families of homosexual parents who temporarily resided in Italy. The consequence is that after settling in the country they lose the legal recognition of their children.
The only way available is to return to that vexatious solution of faking an adoption for the member of the couple who is not a biological father or mother for the so-called particular cases, which goes through different interviews where they must prove their suitability to adopt who they already are. your son. And also women's partners are legally required to go out of Italy to resort to the artificial insemination.
Meloni has complied with what was announced in the electoral campaign. The aberration is as absurd as it is cruel and largely alien to the convictions of a large part of the population. In Spain we could hear Meloni in a passionate speech in support of Vox in the Andalusian electoral campaign. Last week, hundreds of people protested in the Lombardy city against what the community LGTBI Italian sees as a great discrimination against the collective, a demonstration of which the new leader of the opposition was part Democratic Party, Elly Schlein.