Older LGTB + and coronavirus

Older LGTB + and coronavirus Older LGTB + and coronavirus

Different associations promote initiatives to help LGTB + seniors during confinement

GAYLES.TV.- COVID-19 coronavirus it has changed our lives forever. We do not know what the future will be like. We cling to the numbers of people who have healed in the hope that a nightmare that we never imagined living will end. But the data is cruel. The virus mainly affects older people and the death rate skyrockets among those with more than 70 years. They are the most vulnerable segment of the population. Mortality of those older than 7 years is more than Present in several = 80% of dead by COVID-19 en Spain.

26 December«Old people LGTB + They are a vulnerable group and abandoned by the majority society and by the group itself, finding themselves without specific resources that can alleviate deterioration, loneliness and their situation of dependency.»They denounce from the 26D Foundation. Your president Federico Armenteros He explains that now the situation has worsened. «We meet very scared people, people who are very lonely because they cannot communicate and are afraid of everything. Some with mental illnesses and many who have neither the resources nor to be able to eat", Explain Armenteros. From the association they are managing to obtain epis teams and financing from companies to be able to help these people in need in such difficult times. They try to locate older people to follow up and offer home help. The telephone number of the Fundación 26 de Diciembre is 640890757 (send whastapp).

Fundació Enllaç COVID19

Joan-Andreu Bajet, President of the Fundació Enllaç, comments “To manage the coronavirus crisis at the Enllaç Foundation we currently have a team of six people who coordinate the volunteers together with the social workers. We closely monitor all confined LGBTI older people, they are called every day to find out their needs, they are provided with medicines, food and they are emotionally accompanied. These days we are especially sad because two members of the Foundation have died from COVID-19 and we have been supporting their families. We have an information campaign where we provide LGBTI older people with two contact numbers in the morning and afternoon.

The Fundació Enllaç telephones are 934573739 from 12 to 20.00. and 649172911 from 16.00:18.00 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.

The vulnerability of the trans community

Older LGTB + and coronavirusThe trans collective is especially concerned. The youth of the Sylvia Rivera Transsexual Association of Andalusia they have organized to help their elders. The trans people who are now in this vulnerable situation were the ones who paved the way and won the rights that young people now enjoy. «It is a way of taking care of each other" Explain Alexander Zarzuelo, coordinator of the initiative ATA Trans Brigade  The extreme vulnerability of older trans people is explained by different factors: family uprooting, lack of economic resources (many have not contributed) and loneliness.

It is estimated that in Andalusia there are some 3.000 older trans people who are in this situation. «Trans Brigade It has been organized to send the purchase, go to the pharmacy or make the necessary arrangements through the young volunteers. We have divided ourselves into areas to avoid large displacements. We have epis that has provided us with the Ministry of Health of the Junta de Andalucía. Security protocols will be strictly followed to help people who need it » account zarzuelo. That is why the Trans Brigade has enabled the telephone numbers 954228728 and 629263292 to help the older trans in Seville and province that require it.

Older LGTB + and coronavirus

Photography: Gayles.tv, Sylvia Rivera


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