Michelle Bachelet signs the equal marriage project in Chile
GAYLES.TV.- The president Chile, Michelle Bachelet, signed on Monday the project of equal marriage. He did it in the Patio de las Camelias de La Moneda in a speech loaded with emotion. «Today, Chile takes a historic step in signing the Equal Marriage Bill. We do it with the conviction that equality does not admit nuances or prejudices. We do it with the certainty that it is not ethical or just to put limits on love«, Declared the President of the Republic.
Bachelet also stressed that the Civil Union Agreement created during the mandate of Piñera It is «a minimum floor in recognition and protection and dignity that our state can deliver to the family, we know that for full equality we must go one step further«. The project seeks to modify the article 102 of the Civil Code. He proposes to do so by changing the phrase "between a man and a woman" by "between two persons”. It also includes the possibility of adoption by same-sex couples. Also the end of homosexuality as a "ground for divorce" and the difficulties in accepting homosexual marriages that occurred in other countries. «It can not be that the ancient prejudices are stronger than loveBachelet added.
«To love there is no condition»
In his speech he had a historical review of the milestones that have been gradually releasing one of the most conservative countries of Latin America. Last week abortion was approved in three causes, something unthinkable a few years ago in a country like Chile. «A story that has advanced with the impulse of successive triumphs. Of the rights over arbitrariness. The recognition of marginalization. Equity over discrimination. Freedom over prohibitions. Love over prejudice«Recalled the President of Chile.
The text began to take shape when in the year 2012 the Homosexual Liberation Movement (MOVILH) sued the State of Chile. He did it for not allowing marriage between two people of the same sex. The case escalated until the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights who proposed the creation of this law to please both parties.
The sending of the equal marriage project was part of the Bachelet government program. Progress in parliament is also unlikely during the six months of the legislature remaining before the end of his government in March 2018. In addition, there will be parliamentary and presidential elections on November 19.
Sources: CNNChile, Clarín, La Tercera
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