Demonstration in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws

Demonstration in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws Demonstration in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws

More than 1.500 people demonstrate in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws shouting “Not one step back”

This Sunday, more than 1.500 people walked the streets of Madrid, from Atocha to Embajadores, to protest against the reform of trans and LGTBI laws from Region of Madrid, which Isabel Díaz Ayuso's PP will approve this coming Friday in an extraordinary plenary session.

To the call of the platform Not One Step Back Madrid, which brings together more than 40 diverse entities, the Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, as well as regional deputies and councilors of the City Council of More Madrid and PSOE.

Behind banners with the phrases “Not a step back”, "Trans families, proud families” or "“You cannot abrogate our existence.” They have gathered, according to the Government Delegation, more than 1.500 people, who have advanced shouting ““Ayuso, listen, we continue in the fight”, “Here is the trans resistance" or “Without diversity there is no freedom".

In the text that the PP will carry out, more than 30 items and key aspects of the current laws are eliminated, despite the fact that during the processing the popular ones have softened their proposal by reversing two of the most controversial issues: the disappearance of the sanctioning regime and the mention of medical guides and protocols.

Discrimination and inequality

Demonstration in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws

In the manifesto, which the associations have signed, they have stressed that the repeal or modification of part of these laws can “have a significant impact on people's rights and emotional well-being LGTBI, creating a less inclusive environment and more prone to discrimination”.

In addition, they have reported that they can generate “inequalities, lack of recognition and greater vulnerability to discrimination.”" to trans people.

President of COGAM, Ronny de la Cruz, has defended that they demonstrate in order to “create a life project of equality” while the president of Trans-Allied Families Euphoria, Zaida García, has maintained that with these reforms it is transmitted to society that the rights of LGTBI people are “second” or "mere whims”.

La Minister of Equality Ana Redondo has criticized that Ayuso intends “trim", with "treachery, with urgency and taking advantage of Christmas”, the rights of people LGTBI. "It is regrettable that laws that have not posed any problems are going to be modified by party laws, by laws of the extreme right that what they are going to do is devalue, demonize and unprotect.”, Redondo has declared.

Depathologization and self-determination

The representative and senator Carla Antonelli (More Madrid), who abandoned the PSOE in 2022 due to the delays in the processing of the trans-state law, commented on Redondo's presence at the demonstration: ““I am glad that the minister was here today, because what is being defended today in the streets is the depathologization and self-determination of trans people.” Antonelli has insisted that, even if the PP reforms are approved in the vote on December 22, the same day of the Christmas Lottery draw, they will knock on all doors. “We will be in the streets, in the courts, in the Constitutional Court, in Europe", He explained.

Antonelli has rejected “guardianship, miserable paternalism and condescension” and has defended that they want to live "“free and at peace”. Meanwhile, the deputy spokesperson of this party in the City Council, Eduardo Rubino, has maintained that the majority of Spaniards will not allow a setback in the "historic road” that has been covered in terms of LGTBI rights.

Demonstration in Madrid against the reform of LGTBI laws

Sources: elDiario.esEl PaísTelecinco

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