Massive march in Basauri to condemn homophobic aggression

Massive march in Basauri to condemn homophobic aggression Massive march in Basauri to condemn homophobic aggression

The march, organized by friends of the attacked young man and LGTBI groups, has been seconded by Ekain Perrino himself

More than a thousand people, 2.000 according to the organization, have demonstrated in Basauri to show solidarity with Ekain Perrino, the 23-year-old attacked at dawn on Sunday in this town, and reject the homophobic attacks. The march has traveled the center of the municipality, under the motto Homophobiarik ez (No homophobia), no unanswered aggression, and political and institutional representatives have attended it.

The demonstration, organized by friends of the victim and collective LGTBI, It has been seconded by the victim herself, who has walked among the audience. He was accompanied by the delegate of the Government in Euskadi, Denis Itxaso; the counselor of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Beatriz Artolazabal; or the Mayor of Basauri, Asier Iragorri; among other political and institutional representatives.

The procession, with numerous rainbow flags, went through the main streets of this town to applause until they went to the park of bizkotxalde, where the young man was attacked by a group of 13 people shouting "fagot".

Nine offenders have already been identified

Massive march in Basauri to condemn homophobic aggressionRepresentatives of the convening groups, including groups such as Koordinadora 28J, Intifada Marika, EHGAM and Sare lesbianista, have denounced the beating and expressed their «more absolute and resounding rejection of all kinds of discriminatory aggressions«.

In addition, they have appealed to the possible witnesses of this attack so that, while preserving their identity, they provide information about the event, for which the Ertzaintza it has already identified nine of the alleged assailants.

In the same way, they have regretted that the rejection of the group of homosexual people is not only expressed by «a fanatic and populist section of society«, But is exercised«every day from all areas«.

They ask the Prosecutor's Office to act ex officio

«Only visibility, education and self-defense saves us«, These groups have highlighted, who have demanded that no aggression remains«unanswered«. Meanwhile, the PNV, EH Bildu, PSE-EE, Elkarrekin Podemos-IU and PP + Cs approved a statement in the Basque Parliament in which they urge the Prosecution to act ex officio before the Homophobic aggression registered this past Sunday in Basauri (Bizkaia) against the young man Ekain Perrino, an attack against which they express their «more forceful rejection«. Vox has assured that «there is a lot of violence in this society", and that "they should all be condemned«, Including that of Dog, and has reproached the rest of the groups for not presenting the text to him in order to decide whether to support it or not.

Massive march in Basauri to condemn homophobic aggression

Sources: La SextaLa Vanguardia

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