Maestro Joao: “I have decided to make the transition”

Master Joao Maestro Joao: “I have decided to make the transition”

Maestro Joao announces on TVE that he has decided to begin his transition to a woman: "I will be called Benita like my mother"

In the last program of 'dance as you can"the Spanish Television, Master Joao He chose the right moment to deliver news that drew applause from the public: «I have decided to make the transition and be truly who I am, which is what my mother gave birth to and she is proud because she knows what I had inside and with one look she knew what was there.«He announced visibly excited.

The psychic feels freer, and does not want anything to prevent his happiness. “It is something very thoughtful and very heartfelt. I am very, very sure”, he explained during the last gala of the contest. “I will be who I am", he expressed. “I carry within me and in my soul a woman, who is how I feel, what I feel and what I am.", he expressed Joao.

«My life is mine«

Master JoaoIf there is someone truly important to the contestant, it is his mother, to whom he owes everything. Because of her, he also sees himself as strong enough to take this important step, and that is why he has decided to honor her in the process. “I will be called Benita, like my mother", he said, before bursting into tears with emotion.

"Benita, there you have your daughter”he said to the camera Anne Igartiburu. "Mom, I adore you. Thank you for fighting, thank you for traveling millions of kilometers on the subway to get us ahead. I know you're going to be very proud. And I have had the best mother, the one who, in the years when she couldn't, put everything on her shoulders and said 'this is my son and I support him in whatever way'. Well for you, mom", he declared before receiving one last applause.

The moment also touched everyone present on the set, who couldn't feel more proud of the director's decision. Teacher. Despite how emotional the moment was, Joao He preferred not to give more details regarding the transition process. In his next television appearance Mike Nadal he asked "How long have you been maturing it? How did you make the decision? Because right now?» to which the seer responds: «I've been maturing it for 60 years, so it's been a while.«.

«It is very complicated to explain, because in the end it is something that you are and feel.. 60 years ago things were not like they are now«, he says, and makes it clear that «has always felt good" with himself: "I have not gone through any depression, nor have I been bad«. «My life is mine, it is only one and I will do with it whatever I want«, he claims.

Master Joao

Sources: La Vanguardia

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