Madonna and the seven little brothers ... homophobes

Madonna and the seven little brothers ... homophobes

GAYLES.TV.- This is undoubtedly an easy headline but not entirely accurate because, indeed, the offspring of the marriage formed by Madonna Louise Ciccone and Silvio Ciccone, is made up of 7 siblings and Madonna herself, but it is not clear that all @s be homophobic. We could also have titled "Madonna grows ... brothers" we would surely have received a shower of politically correct protests for disrespecting those who, by the way, we did not mention.
Family Ciccone

But let's leave digressions and we will get to the point. Because the point is that a month does not happen when one of the brothers of the pop diva does not come out in the papers for one reason or another. The most sounded was the Anthony Ciccone, who lives installed under a bridge for a few years unable to overcome his alcoholism despite the support received from his family and which he denies. His sister Paula, the most sensitized because she was also an alcoholic, has often insisted that she follow rehabilitation treatments. In fact, Madonna has financed them on more than one occasion. His own parents sought him a job, unfortunate, because it was working in a warehouse and Anthony did not take very close proximity to alcohol.

Now it's the turn of Christopher Ciccone, the versatile brother of the singer. This gentleman who sings, dances, directs cinema, designs and decorates interiors, also knows how to speak and when he does he raises the bread. This time he has done it referring to Kim Davis, the Kentucky official who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples: "Once again the gay community feels the need to be the long-suffering winners." Christopher assures that the gay community tries to destroy Kim Davis by making fun of her and that, like anyone else, he has the right to have his beliefs and apply them.
Kim Davis free

Well, with the nonsense, it turns out that the federal judge David L. Bunning ordered yesterday the release of the official jailed for contempt. Davis has been given the condition that "does not interfere in any way, direct or indirect, in the efforts of other officials to issue marriage licenses. " In other words, do not touch your nose and just charge and be quiet even at the cost of not fulfilling all their obligations.

At least with this decision down to the martyr and saint of the homophobic altars and step to see if we cover the mouth of the diva's brother who is probably the only one who ignores that his sister is a gay icon.
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