Gay literature, identity or ghetto?

Gay literature, identity or ghetto?

To what extent can we talk about gay literature The fact that a text is written by a homosexual individual is a debate that corresponds to philologists. After all nobody talks about heterosexual literature or men's literature. But the truth is that beyond the essay books that deal with LGBT themes, the existence of novels, poetry and theater with protagonists of the same gender who express their feelings of love, attraction or desire allows to be recognized in the mirror of the text and identified with the plots and that covers a need that we could almost define as therapy, the fact of to be narrated and narrated and therefore recognized.

The great themes of literature are universal and integration, normality, comes when a heterosexual, reading Carol de Patricia Highsmith o De Profundis de Oscar Wilde, he gets excited identify with the text in the same way that any reader, regardless of their sexual orientation, can adopt the verses of Romeo and Juliet.

The Gais texts are a fact, they are there and the specialized bookstores also. From here we want to break a spear in favor of those libraries that resist in times of deep crisis of sale. They are not a trade anymore, they offer a service of advice and in some cases even of edition. Let's support those establishments before they are forced to close and it is too late to miss them.

Montse Trillo, content director of

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