Lina & Ali: a trans family

Lina & Ali: a trans family

History of a Trans Family

VIDEO GAYLES.TV The life of Lina and Ali is anything but conventional. After 23 years of marriage and a teenage son in common Lina finally takes the step and decides to live as she has always felt: a woman. How does a couple live the transition? What did Ali feel when rereading his life? Can this change unite more to the couple, or as in most cases the relationship ends? Lina and Ali were infinitely generous sharing some of their privacy. They had an important reason to do so: to make visible a situation more frequent than we believe and thus to help people who go through the same thing.

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An opinion on "Lina & Ali: a trans family"

  1. I can not tell which of the two I am more admired. Having a person capable of that empathy at your side and that openness of mind is a lujazo.

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