News / Lgtbiphobia
Shooter at Colorado LGTBi club identifies as non-binary
News / Lgtbiphobia
Shooter at Colorado LGTBi club identifies as non-binary
News / Lgtbiphobia
A man arrested for a homophobic homicide attempt in Barcelona
News / Lgtbiphobia
Massacre in an LGTBI club in Bratislava
News / Sports
Josh Cavallo's message to Casillas and Puyol
News / Lgtbiphobia
Hate crimes against the LGTBI group grow by 67%
News / Lgtbiphobia
Two new arrests in Oslo for the shooting at an LGTBI club
News / Lgtbiphobia
Five young people arrested for a homophobic attack in the Barcelona metro
News / prides
Nearly 90 arrested during EuroPride in Belgrade
News / Lgtbiphobia
Two LGBTI activists sentenced to death in Iran
News / prides
Thousands of Orthodox march against Europride in Serbia
News / Lgtbiphobia
They denounce two homophobic attacks at the Sants festival in Barcelona
News / Trans *
Trans activist Alejandra Ironici murdered
News / Rights
In Ghana, a bill threatens LGBTIQ+ people
News / Lgtbiphobia
Arrested for hate crime the man who threatened to behead Miss Raisa
News / Lgtbiphobia
Three arrested for burning the LGTBI flag in Ajofrín (Toledo)
News / Lgtbiphobia
"I'm going to burst you, fagot", they attack a homosexual in Tenerife