«Now we have a political arch that enables the approval of these laws (Trans Law and LGTBI Integral Law), afterwards we cannot blame conservative parties »
GAYLES.TV.- The Transnational Day addressed the legal framework of trans people in the different territories and the need for a State Trans Law already registered and that has been the result of a broad consensus and participation of the political subject, who comes to determine proposals that equate to trans people.
The Trans Day «Legal framework, future challenges towards a State Trans Law«, Which runs throughout the Spanish territory, is promoted by the Trans Platform and in Barcelona it was organized by ATC, Generem, Chrysallis, Vaginarium, Fundació Surt, Joves Trans de Barcelona and Trans Baix Power. The act was presented by Tina Recio and counted on the presence of Mar Cambrollé, president of the Trans Platform and historical activist in the defense of the rights of trans people.
The trans and LGTBI associations, as Svs Sitges Voluntaris, participated in an intense debate about the convenience of presenting the two laws that affect the trans community under the LGTBI Integral Law or separately, as proposed with the Trans Law.
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