A Law of Historical Transexuality

Platform trans law trans congress 2018 gaylestv A Law of Historical Transexuality

Five notes to understand the new Transsexuality Law

"This Law will consider us subjects with full rights and not protected objects." Interview with Mar Cambrollé, president of the Trans Platform.

GAYLES.TV.- The self-determination of the identity and the depatologization of transsexuality are the two central axes of the new Law of Transexuality that was registered this morning in the Congress of Deputies. A historical breakthrough in the rights of transsexuals not only in Spain, it is about The world's most advanced Law of Transsexuality. The law comes out of the unanimous consensus of the groups of transsexuals grouped in the Trans Platform and has registered it Unidos Podemos, that has been the political force that has had the courage and height of view to compensate and repair so many years of discrimination.

A necessary law

Mar Cambrollé. - The law is necessary because we have 40 years of democracy and equality and rights for transgender people are not specified. Not even in the workplace, since we are experiencing labor exclusion that can reach more than 80%; nor in the health field since it enrolls us in protocols where we are seen to be mentally ill; nor in the area of ​​legal identity since the state blackmails us with a medical report in which we have to say that we have gender dysphoria, which forces us to two years of hormonal treatment with which it is a chemical and forced sterilization but also we also have to rule out that we are mentally ill. Furthermore, in the case of minors, 81% think about suicide, 40% attempt it and more than 10% succeed. The trans reality does not appear in textbooks or in the educational curriculum. This reality that I describe makes a specific law more than necessary to respond to all these situations, which are also specific, and that trans people suffer. If democracy has not reached trans people, it is because equal treatment in all areas has not yet materialized.

Made by and for the trans collective

MC - The role of trans associations that promote it is part of a political moment in which the organization, coordination and federation have coincided in which we have the same discrimination and the same melting pot. Although we later have different sensitivities, because we are not a homogeneous group and we have different ways of feeling and living trans identities, we have felt that it is time to join forces and become the political subject that describes the situation of discrimination, but that It also determines what the solutions are. It is important because it has empowered the trans community and not only freed ourselves from medical care, but also from the care that we have been subjected to for many years by other members of the LGTB community who have spoken for us without understanding our needs. that we and we have. It is a historical moment in which it is consolidating that the political subject is organized and has the ability to make a diagnosis of his situation, but also to determine solutions.

Free development of the minor

MC - This law does not come to expand rights or to grant privileges, it comes so that the same rights that the rest of the citizens have also may be for us. That we be treated as equals in access to the labor market, in access to education, in access to health care and in the same way also respect for minors and trans migrants. The International Convention for the Minor says that the best interests of the minor must prevail over any circumstance. That, extrapolating it, refers to the fact that if the free development of the personality of a minor is not allowed, we are violating the right to the best interests of the minor. We must already compare the prohibition of not allowing a minor to develop freely, to when a child is harassed or when he or she suffers abuse or an unhealthy situation occurs ... in all these circumstances social issues would intervene. Similarly, not allowing a transsexual minor to develop freely must be equated with abuse.

A law with no expiration date

MC - The function of the laws is to be a tool for the beneficiaries of them, and a tool for the administration to enforce compliance with them. But always, for a law to be enforced, there must be a demand for enforcement. This law does not come with an expiration date. Over time, it will continue to allow the development of protocols, regulations, and opinions that will specify rights. It will allow a protocol in the health field that allows people to not be considered mentally ill and also allow the self-determination of gender. This law has two fundamental axes: self-determination of identity and depathologization of trans identities. It will consider us subjects with full rights and not protected objects. The law will allow legal protection of the right to identity.

Shield trans rights

MC - In Spain we have that tagline that we all have to be equal and no one can be discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, ideology, religion, but the tagline “because of their identity” is missing there. As the Constitution does not protect this right, it must be protected with this type of law. Laws are a tool that the state has to remove obstacles and so that a human group can live without discrimination and with social equality.

Mar Cambrollé trans activist Gaylestv



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