LB Talks brings together more than 200 of lesbians, bisexuals and allies in Barcelona
GAYLES.TV.- The past 16 of March took place in Barcelona LB Talks, the largest event in Spain dedicated to the professional lesbian and bisexual woman. Sandra Barneda, who presented the event, moved those present with a personal and vindictive speech in which he demanded visibility and empowerment. His motto «be lesbian mola»Fell among a devoted audience.
Diversity, technology and human rights were the issues that were addressed in the different panels that had a large number of professionals committed to promoting the collective's achievements.
Maria Colom, president of LB Talks y Marta Fernandez, founder of LesWorking they talk about visibility and diversity in the company.
Press release:
LB Talks, the biggest event in Spain dedicated to professional lesbian and bisexual women
LB Talks brought together more than 200 lesbian, bisexual and allied women to discuss their role in society
Sandra Barneda, presenter of the event, made an emotional personal speech that moved the attendees
On Saturday March 16, LB Talks took place in Barcelona, an event focused on the integration of lesbian and bisexual women in the company, their presence in the technology sector and human rights.
Sandra Barneda, presenter of the event, was the common thread of all the presentations. Sandra Barneda surprised with a very personal speech and with which many of the attendees could feel totally identified. A brilliant speech perfectly aligned with the different themes that were discussed there. The public's ovation after his last intervention and the repeated displays of affection were proof of this.
With all the tickets sold out, LB Talks kicked off the day with the presence of Marta Méndez, human rights diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, who related the ministry's interest in specific projects on LGBTI issues.
At the first table, the management of diversity within the company was discussed. Moderated by Sonsoles Morales, executive coach, each speaker left us a headline: Miguel Castro from SAP "Everything will be fine", Miren Garay from Sodexo "Being a lesbian is cool", Gemma Castillón from IVI "I'll do better in every new situation" and Marta F. Herraiz from LesWorking and REDI “Being a lesbian is cool and in the company too”, also related their experiences and successes in this area.
The second table moderated by Franceca Palau de Mas, partner of the virtual reality company UNIVR.SE, focused on the role of women in the technological world. Laura Gil de Damm and María José Barrera de L'Oréal talked about digital transformation. Susana Font, esports consultant, talked about discrimination against women and LGBTI people in video games in general and esports in particular. And finally Cristina Aranda, co-founder of Mujeres Tech, taught us to hack stereotypes by telling us things like Ada Lovelace invented the algorithm, Heidy Lamarr on WiFi, Margaret Hamilton created the software that allowed man to reach the Moon and that Ángela Ruiz patented the ebook
The third roundtable was dedicated to human rights and more specifically to women's networks. In it, Irene Milleiro from explained how this platform owes its model to a request from two lesbian women. Maria Lizarraga of Women to Follow recounted the stupefaction of the platform when they realized that there is practically no news featuring women. Ernest Urtasun, European parliamentarian, explained to us the work done from Brussels and the importance of accelerating everything that remains to be done. And finally, Isabel Durán from Atresmedia, reminded us that the most important thing the media can do is use their power to transform reality. All moderated by Montse Martínez of Global Market.
María Colom, president of LB Talks, together with Arantza Larrauri, member of the Board of Directors of LB Talks, presented the newly created association that has promoted this event and whose purpose is to continue carrying out similar activities in the future to claim and make visible the position of the lesbian and bisexual woman in society.
The first day LB Talks closed with a session of relaxed networking in which the attendees enjoyed a relaxed time at the Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm.
LB Talks was the first event organized by the LB Talks association with LesWorking. The day, although dedicated to lesbian and bisexual women, is open to anyone committed to equality, diversity and human rights. LB Talks aims to provide tools to all of its attendees to promote these values, while inviting lesbian and bisexual women to reflect on the positive impact that coming out of the closet can have on their company.
About LB Talks:
LB Talks is a non-profit association created to promote experiences that invite reflection, debate and exposure of the social contributions of lesbian and bisexual women, and to promote valuable knowledge for society.
About Lesworking:
LesWorking is the first international professional network for lesbian women. LesWorking currently has about 1.500 women from more than 20 countries and from different professional sectors. The goal of the network is to connect and empower lesbian women to advance their careers and projects. In addition, LesWorking promotes an inclusive and positive visibility of the lesbian community in society and in companies.
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