Women do not forget

Women do not forget

EDITORIAL.- We cannot, we must not “celebrate” the Winners will be announced in March as a party, rather we should commemorate, remember, spend a few minutes thinking about the 146 women who died in the New York Triangle Shirtwaist shirt factory fire 25 March 1911. And it is not about spoiling the party for anyone, it is about keeping history in mind so as not to have to repeat it, it is about preventing shopping centers from trivializing events until they become one more cloying reason for consumption, it is also about that women who are growing someone tell them what happened so that they do not fall into oblivion, but above all, it is about not letting down your guard and keep fighting for full equality.

Because if the girls, adolescents and young people are not made aware of their situation, they will chronify it. We can not bequeath a world with wage differences. "To equal work, equal salary" is not a motto of a vintage poster, it is a current issue that we must claim. Because gender-based violence begins in institutes and social networks and it is necessary to educate in the clear principle that more control does not equate to more love and jealousy is the main argument of possession. Gender violence biased life in Spain of 52 women in the 2012, 54 in the 2013 and 53 in the 2014. Curious statistic that keeps the number of victims around fifty. Many more women have died at the hands of their partners than victims of terrorism in this country and, it is evident, that they have generated much less parliamentary debate or deserved coverage in the press.
For all this we want to remember that the 146 women of Triangle Shirtwaist, were victims of abuse, exploitation and impunity, because those responsible for the shirt factory had closed all doors, stairs and exits to prevent theft and altercations. The majority of those killed were young immigrant women of Jewish and Italian origin between sixteen and twenty-three years of age. Many died victims of fire and asphyxiation, others, unable to escape the burning building, jumped from the eighth, ninth and tenth floors to the street. The paradox of history meant that this accident happened exactly 6 days after the first time the International Working Women's Day with rallies in several European countries. All the claims of that day, except the right to vote in most countries, are still valid today.

The field LGTBI it is still a reflection of society and as such reproduces the best and worst of it. With glorious exceptions, misogyny wears the skin of lamb and tolerates, when it does not discriminate the presence and the role of lesbians in the collective. Armand de Fluvià affirms that the position of the "L" heading the initials LGTBI does not stop being a bit like that of "the ladies first". Frankly, nor do we forget, nor do we want to be ceded, thanks.

Editorial Gayles.tv
Online TV

An opinion on "Women do not forget"

  1. And as Eliseo Bayo reminds us, the L at the beginning of the acronym LGTB is a recognition of the feminist movement for what it contributed to the homosexual movement.

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