Lesbians divorce more

Lesbians divorce more than gays Lesbians divorce more

Lesbian couples are more likely to divorce than gay couples

GAYLES.TV.- Lesbians marry more than gay men ... and they also divorce more. Statistics show that within same-sex marriages, the divorce rate among lesbian couples is significantly higher compared to divorces among gay male couples.

According to ONS «Divorces between same-sex couples were first recorded in 2015 and annual increases have been observed every year since then, reflecting the growth in the size of the same-sex married population in England and Wales.«.

Three factors could explain this trend. Almost the 70% of divorces of heterosexual couples registered in recent years was initiated by women, which shows that men are less likely to consider divorce. Also the tendency to U Hauling (betting very quickly on a relationship and moving to life together very soon) could influence according toLisa Power, one of the cofounders of Stonewall. Finally, Ayesha vardag, president of the divorce firm Vardags, he pointed out that he believes this could be due to the fact that «women may be less tolerant of infidelity«.

Men tend to consider divorce less

Although lesbians marry more than gay men, the difference in divorce rates is much greater than in marriage rates. Marriages between gay men represent 44% of same-sex marriages, but they represent only the 26% of the divorced. This indicates that both in a heterosexual and homosexual relationship, men tend to consider divorce less than women.

In Netherlands, the first country to allow same-sex marriage: in the ten years from 2005, 15% of gay marriages failed, compared with 30% of those formed by a lesbian couple.

En 2018, a study of the university of UCLA who analyzed heterosexual and homosexual couples over 12 years revealed that gays break less frequently (14,5%). Lesbians are the ones that break most frequently (29,3%) and heterosexual couples are between them (18,6%).

Apparently the lesbians live it all with greater intensity, even the orgasms.

Lesbians divorce more than gays

Source: The Economist,, Pink News, Sputnik

Photography: The Economist, Sputnik


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