AIDS vaccine is now viable

AIDS vaccine AIDS vaccine is now viable

GAYLES.TV.-  In the 2016 will begin to provide the therapeutic vaccine of AIDS to humans, according to Efe. This may be one of the news of the decade, not to mention the century and yet is likely to tiptoe through the general media. Because a breakthrough of this caliber in the investigation of a pandemic that has killed millions of people around the world, it should be front page news on every press


El Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, head of the HIV Unit of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, made the announcement at the opening of the academic year of the degree in Medicine taught jointly by the Universities Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Clotet, co-director of the HIVACAT Program for the development of the AIDS vaccine has explained that the vaccine is giving excellent results in animals and that it is planned "Start studies with infected people at the end of the first half of next year".

He has also highlighted the success achieved with the retroviral treatment that is being given to those infected with HIV and has pointed out that if it is not started when the infection is very advanced and the immune system has been weakened excessively, life expectancy is "normal »And furthermore you cannot infect anyone.

The problem lies in the fact that the treatment hides the virus, leaving it in a latent phase, in this way the immune system does not detect it, which makes it a very slow process to cure the disease and end the pandemic.

Another risk lies in the fact that if the treatment is interrupted or misused, the virus "sprouts and replicates", which, according to Clotet, would be equivalent to throwing water to put out a fire: "We put out the fire but the embers remain.

2020 is expected as the horizon to eradicate HIV and cure AIDS and 2030 to definitively end the growth of the epidemic, which has already affected 72 million people worldwide. Bonaventura Clotet, who is also the director of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, fully trusts the therapeutic vaccine they have designed and which awakens a response equivalent to that of people resistant to HIV, a factor that has already been proven in apes.

Congratulations, then, to Dr. Clotet and his entire team for the tremendous progress made in the cure, prevention and eradication of AIDS.
Online TV

6 opinions about "AIDS vaccine is now viable"

  1. Congratulations!!!! It is about time ... Great news for the history of double diseases medical research. In this case the WAY which is a scourge. My sincere thanks to this doctor and congratulations to all his research team on this vaccine ...

    1. The statements made by Dr. Bonaventura Clotet himself. Anyway, the news has been published in various rotating generalists, depending on each country.

  2. hello good afternoon I would like to know more information about this vaccine and if it is one hundred percent reliable I hope you help me with this doubt I have thanks.

    1. The information can be extended by going to the centers we mention or searching the references on the Internet of Dr. Bonaventura Clotet. In any case the text specifies that next year will be tested on humans, but will not be available for its general supply.

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