Transphobia keeps killing

Transphobia kills suicide Lucas trans Transphobia keeps killing

Transphobia has killed a 21-year-old

GAYLES.TV.- At the express wish of the family we will give little information. But the truth is that the transphobia has claimed another victim. A 21-year-old has ended his life because he couldn't take it anymore. Once again the pressure has been able with one of ours. As it happened with Alan, with Ekai, with José Matías, with Leo,… They are not isolated cases, they are our children and young people who see no future because of a transphobic society.

Transphobia kills

The insults, the rejections, the criticisms. The orange buses that are falsehoods The proud transphobia of the TERFS between laughs at university conferences. The most stale transphobia hurts, but you see it coming. You know what to expect from a direct attack. But there is another kind of more subtle transphobia that is going like a Chinese torture and it hurts more. It is the transphobia of those who do not identify as transphobes, but they are with their attitude. Nothing is innocent, the jokes, the sideways glances, the whispers behind the back, the false understanding.

It is not easy to be young, nor is it easy to be trans. That is why we must protect ourselves and defend our rights. That is why we insist and repeat as many times as necessary that it is about social murders and not suicides. As Chrysallis points out: «We denounce this society, saturated with conventions, stereotypes and absurd beliefs that reproduce in an endless cycle and must cease. We demand an end to all types of hatred and violence, including that undercover of goodism. We invite reflection, to all those people who, hidden by the intimacy of what is cooked in the kitchens of their homes, think innocent and exculpate and lament in the distance and behind the walls. We claim protection. We families alone cannot. A society and public and legal structures that guarantee a happy and full life in rights for trans people are essentials *.

In GAYLES.TV we want to express our pain and send a big hug to the loved ones of the deceased young man.

Transphobia kills suicide Lucas trans

Source: Chrysallis

Photography: GAYLES.TV


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