Advertising + gay Christmas

nordstrom Advertising + gay Christmas

GAYLES.TV.- It is becoming a normalized fact that gay and lesbian couples appear in television spots of all kinds and Christmas was not going to be less. It is a time when emotions are running high, the "coming home for Christmas" with all its variants has guaranteed success and even more so now when the economy and the lack of opportunities often force families to live separated.

Kohl's Gales.tvLarge companies are not unrelated to the impact that such ads have on the consumer and also to the fact that consumption is the main protagonist of these holidays and of course use all the propaganda artillery to output their products.

None of this is new. The novelty consists of the increasingly habitual and normalized presence of LGTBI people in everyday situations. The formula of the reunion has been chosen this year by the firm Nordstrom, a chain of American luxury products that sells jewelry, perfumes, clothing and all kinds of high-end items. The protagonists of his Christmas spot are a couple of gais who are reunited for Christmas in a cozy home with adorable dog included. Everything very pastel and very stale, but it is appreciated that the protas are two boys.


There have been several companies that have left behind the stereotype of family and have integrated gays and lesbians (few, by the way) in their Christmas campaigns. Today we bring you the videos of IKEA, KOHL'S, the one mentioned by Nordstrom and one that we like a lot because it is not limited to putting a couple as icing on the cake, but makes them the protagonists of a story with message, that of Famous Footwear. You will have to find out;).

All of them are part of spots that will be screened in the US, we hope that the campaigns in the Hispanic area follow this line and also that more consideration is given to lesbian couples.
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