The Catalan Swimming Federation complies with the law and gives a trans * girl her federation license, thanks the fight of Chrysallis and to the mediation of the Department of Igualtat and LGBTI of the Generalitat
GAYLES.TV.- We are happy to give the information that an eight-year-old trans * girl can compete with the rest of her classmates. The decision comes five months after the family requested the Catalan Swimming Federation su federation file in the category according to your identity. In this way, after making his case public and thanks to the struggle of Chrysallis and to the mediation of Department of Equaltat and LGBTI of the Generalitat de Catalunya, The Federation finally complies with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 11/2014 of Catalonia.
The president of Chrysallis Catalunya, Ana Valenzuela has celebrated this decision but insists that “It is not that exceptional measures are approved for specific cases such as this”, But respect the right of trans athletes throughout the national territory. For this, it is important that the government of Spain urgently approves a State Law against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
That Law must contain the right to trans athletes * to participate freely in the category according to your felt identity and without providing any medical documentation. While that state law arrives “We will continue to demand from the autonomous governments with specific LGTBI laws, to approve regulations and regulations that guarantee the rights of transgender people”, Affirms the president of Sport and Diversity, David Guerrero. It is necessary to clearly remind the autonomous federations of their obligations with respect to the collective. In Autonomous Communities without specific LGTBI law, Chrysallis, Sports and Diversity and ADI remember that there is already a precedent in Castilla y León where the Administrative Court of Sports (under the Higher Sports Council) has ordered a federation to issue a federated file in category according to their sex, to a trans athlete.
Sources: Chrysallis Catalunya, Sports and Diversity
Photos: Cristobal Castro The country
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