"The (des) education of Cameron Post"

The-Miseducation-of-Cameron-Post ok "The (des) education of Cameron Post"

One of the best new LGTBI films this year, "La (des) educación de Cameron Post", is released in our country

GAYLES.TV.- It would be appreciated if "The (des) education of Cameron Post" It will reach the commercial rooms and do it within a reasonable period of time. For now we will have to settle for its presentation at the festival CLAM that starts today in the population of Navarcles (Barcelona) and that during 10 days will present the best social cinema films on the international scene. In the exhibition you can see some 40 titles that talk about topics such as the crisis of the traditional family model, the defense of gender equality or the recognition of sexual, racial, ideological, religious or cultural diversity.

The contest opens today with the screening of "La (des) education of Cameron Post", a winning film with the award to Best Film at the Sundance Film Festival and the Silver Spike at the Valladolid Film Festival. He tells us about a youth camp that aims to "cure" homosexuality. Eponymous comedy by the American writer Emily Danforth, which debuted in the world of literature with this work in February of 2012.

The (des) education of Cameron Post

"The Miseducation of Cameron Post" (original title of the film) is the second feature film by the New York filmmaker Desiree Akhavan and has a cast of actresses and actors consolidated and trajectories not sufficiently recognized until today as Chloë Grace Moretz or Sasha Lane.

The film tells a story that takes place in the 90s. After the death of her parents, a twelve-year-old Montana girl is forced to go live with her aunt, a rigid and very conservative woman. The young woman's life gets complicated when she is discovered with her best friend in a somewhat compromising situation. She is forced to enter a rehabilitation center for homosexual people with the pretense of reorienting her sexuality.

In short, a film delight, emotional and deeply moving with a very good staging and better interpretation. If you have the chance to see it or download it through platforms, do not miss it.

It will be hard for you not to want to see her after watching this trailer!

Source: ccma.cat, filmaffinity.com


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