The educational guide of the Junta de Andalucía makes trans childhoods invisible

“Boys have a penis and girls have a vulva.” The educational guide of the Junta de Andalucía makes trans childhoods invisible

The Junta de Andalucía ignores trans childhoods in a sexual education guide and uses the same phrase that HazteOir used on its transphobic bus

On page 10 of “Emotional and sexual education in the family”, one of the educommunicative guides for families published by the Junta de Andalucía, the following is proposed: “I explain to him that boys have a penis and girls have a vulva.”. If the parents answer 'no' to that or other questions, the Board encourages that “it's time to do it”, making invisible a reality such as that of transsexual minors and those who are protected by trans laws as they are especially vulnerable.

The text is dangerously reminiscent of the orange bus campaign of the ultra-Catholics of HazteOir with the transphobic motto “Boys have penises. Girls have a vulva. Do not be fooled. If you are born a man, you are men. “If you are a woman, you will continue to be one.”.

Invisibilized trans childhoods

“Boys have a penis and girls have a vulva.”The guide makes no mention of transsexual boys or girls, nor to transsexuality in general. This way of ignoring minors and transsexual people violates the basic principles of Andalusia LGTBI Law (approved with the votes of the PP) and the state trans and LGTBI laws. Sources from the Ministry have explained to briefly that the phrase itself is framed in “an assumption” to which it is necessary to respond “yes" or "No.".

"It is an assumption, yes, but it is an assumption that makes invisible a reality that exists and the public administration must demand that visibility.", Says Antonio Ferre, president of the federation Andalusia Diversity, who advocates for “do not perpetuate the stigma” and for informing “from the perspective of sexual diversity".

“Pure transphobia”

Ana Castro, Chrysallis Andalusia, considers that the guide prepared by the Junta de Andalucía “it's a disaster". "We cannot try to teach bodily diversity by focusing only on genitality because it stigmatizes and pathologizes our childhoods.", remember.

Sergio Padial, President of the Alternative Association in Colors, concludes that it is a “phrase clearly against trans people. You don't have to be very smart to understand that. You are stating something that is not real, because there are not only boys with penises or girls with vulvas. And you are telling parents that this is how they have to tell their children, that 'it's time to do it.'. It's pure and simple transphobia.".

“Boys have a penis and girls have a vulva.”


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