There will be 131 openly LGTBIQ + athletes at the Tokyo Olympics
Many athletes fear coming out of the closet for reasons ranging from possible harassment to the loss of sponsors and commercial contracts that help promote their careers. However, many experts say that currently those athletes who choose to be visible revalue their commercial image when they become icons for the community LGTBIQ +.
Perhaps this is why tokyo olympics will be the most diverse in history and 131 athletes LGTBIQ + have confirmed their participation. This figure is the largest recorded so far in about Olympics. In 2012 a total of 23 athletes identified as LGTBIQ +Whereas in river 2016 were 56.
Are at least 25 countries different who will be represented in different disciplines by athletes who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and non-binaries in a public way. United States is the country with the highest number of athletes LGTBIQ +, with a total of 30 athletes. They follow him United Kingdom, with 15; Netherlands, with 12: Canada, with 11; New Zealand y Australia, with 9, respectively; Y Brazil, with seven, indicated outsports.
Laurel Hubbard, the first transgender to compete in the Olympics
From the regulations derived from the Stockholm Consensus on the reassignment of sex in sports in 2003, there has not been a transgender athlete who participated in the OlympicsThe weightlifter New Zealand Laurel Hubbard has his best chance at Tokyo to make history.
Hubbard, who is now 43 years old, will be the first transsexual athlete in a Games. The New Zealand Olympic Committee He announced it, noting that the weightlifter meets all the eligibility criteria required by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The managing director of the New Zealand committee, Kereyn Smith, stated: “We recognize that gender identity in sport is a highly sensitive and complex issue that requires a balance between human rights and fairness on the field of play.". Hubbard, for his part, he said he felt “honored and grateful".
The last regulation of the IOC (2015), which eliminates the need for surgical operations, establishes that whoever wants to participate as a woman must declare herself a woman. In addition, it is fixed on a 10 nanograms of testosterone per milliliter of blood the maximum a woman can have to participate in female tests. That requires them to take medication to block the so-called male hormone, that of the beard and strength. For women transitioning to men there is no requirement. Slaps of the patriarchy.