Judith Butler, winner of the Premi Internacional Catalunya

Judith Butler, winner of the Premi Internacional Catalunya Judith Butler, winner of the Premi Internacional Catalunya

The Generalitat awards the Premi Internacional Catalunya to the philosopher and feminist activist Judith Butler

American feminist philosopher and activist Judith Butler, author of the work that is considered the foundation of the queer theory, has been recognized with the XXXIII Catalunya International Award. The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragones, made public this Monday the name of the winner of this award, which rewards those people who have contributed with their creative work to develop cultural, scientific or human values ​​throughout the world.

Aragones stressed that Butler has had a project oriented to “fight all kinds of violence”, especially the one that determines “the lives of the most vulnerable groups". "Her work has revolutionized and transformed feminist theory with her studies on gender, her activism for gay and lesbian rights, and her support of the 'queer' movement."He said. Aragones has affected the "civic and political engagement» of which she is one of the most influential philosophers and activists, specializing in the field of feminism and ethics

queer theory

Judith Butler, winner of the Premi Internacional CatalunyaButler She has a doctorate in philosophy from the Yale University (USA) and is considered one of the most influential intellectuals in the contemporary world, for her contributions to the theory of gender, and the queer theory. She is the author of the book “Disputed gender: feminism and the subversion of identity”, considered unanimously as the foundational work of that theory.

La XNUMXrd edition It corresponds to the award of the year 2021 -it had not been announced until today due to the pandemic- and the delivery is expected to take place in the coming months. The prize money is 80.000 euros and the winner is also given a sculpture by the Catalan artist Antoni Tapies.

Beyond the binary

«Butler It gives off civic and political commitment with which it articulates its theoretical project of combating all forms of violence: normative, symbolic, physical, sexual or political.«, has underlined the President of the Generalitat, which he has described as «inspiring» the thought of the philosopher. Aragones highlighted the "civic and political engagement"To Butler and has assured that it represents the values ​​of equality, fraternity, non-violence and freedom with which it also identifies Catalunya.

On the other hand, the Minister of Equality and Feminisms, Tània Verge, has praised the figure of Butler for their "tofeminist contributions to understand and transform the world«. He has expressed that the plurality of diagnoses «ensures being able to hit the target of inequalities» and added that theorizing about gender and queer theory «allows to go beyond binary genders«.

Judith Butler, winner of the Premi Internacional Catalunya

Sources: elDiario.esEFE

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