Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference


Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference

GAYLES.TV.- The days 25, 26, 27 and 28 June of 2020 the first ones are held Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference, the meeting will be held through Facebook Live at this URL:érica-Europa-109210277445470/.

Precisely it was the Covid-19 pandemic that "forced" the incorporation of technological tools and digital platforms between Trans * associations on both sides of the Atlantic.

We have interviewed some of the heads of the organization, such as Mar Cambrollé, president of the Trans Platform Federation de Spain; Pau gonzalez, President of the Trans Men Association de Panama; Bethlehem Strap, Director of Trans Memory Archive de Argentina; Sylvia Sofia Pérez, women's rights activist in the city of Monterrey de MexicoNoah almiron, organizer of the Samples - Trans Art Cycle de Argentina.

Objectives of the Trans * Days

These Conferences come to fill a gap on the encounters and events of an identity nature in LGTBI agendas, where the leading role falls on Trans * people. Among its objectives are the empowerment of the Trans * population and becoming a consolidated tool for debate, the dissemination of Trans * art and culture.

Although it is a reality that in different countries discrimination against Trans * people is conditioned by the geopolitical situation, culture and economy, there are situations that cross the Trans * community in a general way and that are the effects of structural discrimination.

The right to legal identity in supporting documents, access to the labor market, health care, transphobia in all its expressions, the precariousness of older trans people and above all the cisnorma that denies Trans * people as subjects of law, setting them apart from social margins , hindering active participation in culture and politics, imposing gender roles that perpetuate inequality between men and women that deny non-binary corporealities and affective-sexual diversities.

Countries participating in the Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference

The countries that support and participate in the Conference are Chile, Mexico, Uruguay, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Argentina, Honduras, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Atlanta USA, Netherlands - Holland, Italy and Spain.


Source: Trans * Latin America Europe 2020 Conference


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