I Jornada Empresa y LGTBI: Opportunities and Benefits. Case studies TELEFÓNICA, NIELSEN, AXEL
Aequalis 2017 report: Best practices in managing LGTBI diversity in companies and institutions
GAYLES.TV.- 13's June 2018 Wednesday was presented in a report Aequalis en Eada (Barcelona) within the framework of the I Jornada Empresa y LGTBI with the presence of front-line speakers as Carmen Martin Calvarro, responsible for Sustainable Innovation and Diversity in Telefónica, Patricia Daimiel, Senior Vice President leading BASES Europe in Nielsen, Juan Juliá, Owner of Axel Hotels. The day was moderated by Margarita Alonso, director of Driversity and academic director of the Report Aequalis.
Also attending the event was a representation of the institutions that have supported the Aequalis report from the beginning, as Mireia Mata, Director General d'Igualtat of the Departament de Treball Afers Socials i Famílies de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Sílvia Casola, Equality technique Diputació de Barcelona y Jaume Baró, Director of Services to the Companies of Barcelona Activa.
The Aequalis 2017 report, best practices in the management of LGTBI diversity in companies and institutions, is the first report in the Spanish State that includes, from 2015, the best practices in LGTBI diversity developed by companies and institutions during the year.
Data from the European Union indicate that around 50% of LGTBI people prefer not to disclose their sexual identity in the workplace due to fear of discrimination, and also fear that penalize their professional development.
According to the Nielsen report, between an 9 and an 14% of the general population is LGTBI.
Contrary to Anglo-Saxon cultures, where inclusion begins with large corporations, permeates society and materializes in legislative advances, in Spain the itinerary is reversed. It has begun with the laws, has followed by the sensitization of society and now is the time to catch up with the inclusion of LGTBI diversity in the workplace.
There are many reasons why companies include LGBTI diversity in their agendas:
• Comply with legality.
• Talent management.
• Companies that have solid Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and, specifically, diversity, cannot fail to create safe work environments "safe place to work" that allow each one to be who they are.
• Discrimination affects the labor rights of workers.
• Be attractive for the niche market LGTBI, trendsetter.
The Aequalis 2017 report has been produced by the Gender and LGBT Lab association, under the academic direction of Margarita Alonso from Driversity. In the Catalan edition, the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council / Barcelona Activa have collaborated. The presentation will be held in Madrid shortly, with the support of the Community of Madrid.
Download link of the Aequalis Report: https://aequalis.org.es/src/peticion-informe-aequalis/
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