John Lennon a bisexual inhibited? John Lennon a bisexual inhibited?

GAYLES.TV.- I remember perfectly what I was cooking the day I learned that they had murdered John Lennon and I remember that I broke up crying alone because the world seemed a little more barbarous, more empty, more absurd. And I thought about Yoko Ono, in her absolute desolation, in her pain. She that many saw as "The black mamba of the Beatles" and which I admired despite everything, because you had to be a lot of Yoko to experience what she lived with Lennon, to be the presence that she was in her life. Today, however, I do not understand the need you have had to make the statements that we have been able to read to The Daily Beast.
John Lennon, Yoko Ono

The Japanese artist has revealed that on some occasion she had talked to John about bisexuality and that he had confessed that he felt bisexual, indeed, that he believed that we all are to a greater or lesser degree, but that he was too inhibited to carry it to practice and sleep with a man. Yoko stated that at the beginning of the year he was killed John told her “'I could have done it, but I couldn't because I never found someone who was attractive enough to me. They would have to be not only physically attractive, but also mentally very advanced. And you can't find people like that ”.

This whole issue originated in the fact that apparently Brian Epstein, manager and mentor of the Liverpool band was gay and was in love with Lennon, but who apparently would not have taken their relationship beyond that despite intense rumors about it running shortly before his murder. An "indie" movie called "The Hours and the Times" in which the characters of John and Brian appear together in the bathtub and even in bed. That without counting the leaks of photos in situations more or less equivocal with certain "celebrities" as the legendary image in which they appear Yoko, John and Andy Warhol that speaks by itself.Yoko, Lennon and Warhol

In his idea of ​​bisexuality and always according to what Yoko Ono has declared, Lennon thought that we hide a part of our sexuality, the one that is less acceptable socially. It may or may not, but I wonder what right do we have to reveal it? and to what extent that is relevant and more so if we consider that neither Lennon nor Epstein are here to deny or confirm it.

Brian Epstein died young, very young, at the age of 33, leaving a colossal legacy to the world with the push he gave the Beatles And also long before Lennon, in 1967, exactly 13 years before. John Lennon, years later, summed up in one sentence the impact Epstein's death had on the band: "When Brian died, I knew it was all over there".

Perhaps it is a contradictory feeling, but I insist, I do not understand the need to get dead out of the closets, it is better to leave and on their own foot those who are still alive.
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