Aequalis 2016 report, LGTB diversity in the company
GAYLES.TV.- The June 23 was presented at the LGBTI Program of the Community of Madrid the second edition of Aequalis 2016 report, best practices in the management of LGBT diversity, made by Gender and LGBT Lab y Driversity.
Margarita Alonso, director of Driversity and academic director of the report Aequalis, reveals the results of this second edition. Approximately one 50% of people prefer not to reveal their sexual orientation in their work environment according Eurobarometer. And this data in Spain is only 39%.
Among the collective LGTBI highlights the greater visibility of women lesbians and an improvement in the inclusion of the community transsexual in the Laboral scene. They also intervene Belén Prado, Deputy Minister of Social Policies and Family of the Community of Madrid, Pablo Gómez-Tavira, Director-General of Social Services of the Community of Madrid, Irene del Pino, Director of International Studies of Lillly y Malek Nejjai, Global Chief Diversity Officer at Amadeus IT Group.
We appreciate the collaboration of the following LGTBI entities and all those who want to join: Aegal, Acegal, Arcópoli, Associació de Famílies Lesbianes i Gais (FLG), COGAM, Diversity Consulting, Diverspain,, Lesworking, Mujeres & Cia, Mirales, REDI, Transexualia.
The report Aequalis LGTB, diversity in the company, can be downloaded for free at:
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"Excellence in the management of diversity in companies must emanate from the general management, must be transversal and must be seen as a competitive advantage and not as a cost".
Margarita Alonso
Online TV