Aequalis: companies with LGTBI strategy are more competitive

LGBTI diversity is a great opportunity for companies to improve their rights guarantee, quality of work environment and productivity.

GAYLES.TV.- On December 12, it was presented in Eada the 4th edition of the Aequalis Report: Best practices in management from LGBTI diversity to companies and institutions.

The Aequalis report, made since 2015 by the association Gender and LGBT Lab in collaboration with the academic direction of the report, Margarita Alonso, analyzes the management of LGBTI diversity in companies and concludes that Companies that have not only good practices but consolidated strategies in diversity can be more successful and get more profit in their business.

This year's Aequalis document analyzes the management for the diversity of 13 large companies to turn them into good references Diversity strategies

La Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona and Barcelona Activa / Ajuntament de Barcelona They sponsor the edition in Catalan and this year, also the edition in Spanish.

Mireia Mata i Solsona, General Director of Igualtat of the Department of Treball, Afers Socials and Famílies of the Generalitat de Catalunya: “Public policies have to be transversal, in fact this is the great quality of Law 11/2014, where the world of business is also talked about ”. "The General Directorate of Igualtat is coordinating a network of 81 LGBTI Comprehensive Care Services (SAI) throughout the territory of Catalonia and in a project to incorporate LGBTI Plans in public and private sector companies."

Elena Lledos, Manager of Equality and Citizenship Services of the Diputació de Barcelona, ​​has said that: “One of the proposals we make from the Diputació to the Town Halls is that in the Plans of Occupation that are promoted from the Town Halls, trans women are favored or given more points, provided that they have, of course, the knowledge and skills to apply for these Plans ”.

Jesus Beds, responsible for Business Prospecting and Labor Market of Barcelona Activa, “From Barcelona Activa we are committed to trying to transmit the value of diversity to the 7000 companies we serve annually, as a strategy of competitiveness, as long as it is an element of sustainability. ”

“Companies that work well with diversity use Pride or Pride to explain what they have done throughout the year and claim pending issues. It's not about putting the multicolored flag in a float and saying, we're already inclusive! ”

Margarita Alonso, academic director of the report, commented: “In Aequalis we start talking about good practices but in this year's report we already talk about strategies, we have observed that some companies have already assumed the theory of shared value, that is, if administrations, companies and associations all work together to solve problems social things are rolled".


"Companies that really want to change things the first thing they do is look for data linking diversity and business".

"Diversity, and we mean all dimensions of diversity, is not just a Internal Human Resources issue of the company itself, diversity is transversal and affects to the entire value chain of the company".

“It is not about changing mentalities, it is about changing processes to be sure that what marks the law and the culture of the company, is carried out. Put a series of procedures to ensure that, regardless of personal beliefs nobody has the possibility to discriminate".

There are many reasons why companies include LGBTI diversity in their agendas such as adjusting to the law, the fact that discrimination affects the labor rights of workers, or being attractive because of the LGBTI market niche, trend maker.

The conclusion is that companies with LGBTI strategy are more competitive.

The AEQUALIS report in Catalan and Spanish can be downloaded for free at:

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