Indignation in Venezuela for the murder of three LGTB + people in less than 48 hours

Indignation in Venezuela for the brutal murder of three LGTB + people in 48 hours Indignation in Venezuela for the murder of three LGTB + people in less than 48 hours

Venezuelan NGOs demand protection for the LGTB + community after three murders in less than 48 hours

The murder of a trans woman and two homosexuals, denounced by human rights organizations in Venezuela and the community LGTB +, generated this Wednesday a wave of indignation in the country, where they demand that the authorities fall «all the weight of the law»About those responsible.

«In less than 48 hours three people from the community LGTBIQ + were brutally murdered in Caracas, Venezuela, during pride month«He wrote in Twitter la NGO Provea, which also detailed that «a trans woman was dismembered«.

«They are killing us!«, He was followed on Twitter by NGO Venezuela Diversa, after reporting that the other two murders «correspond to 2 gay men«. For its part, NGO Citizen Action Against AIDS (ACCSI) he warned about the deepening of hate crimes in the country. ACCSI, with 34 years of experience in defense of the human rights of people with HIV y LGTBI, demanded the Venezuelan state initiate inquiries and "apply the full weight of the law" to those responsible.

Venezuela at the bottom of Latin America in terms of LGTB + rights

Indignation in Venezuela for the brutal murder of three LGTB + people in 48 hoursSo far, the authorities have not commented on the crimes. «We need institutions and officials that guarantee the human rights of all Venezuelans, without discrimination«, Underlined Venezuela Diversto in Twitter. After the reports, the tag #No More Hate Crimes was positioned in Venezuela to demand an end to violence against the community LGTB +.

The ambassador of United States for Venezuela, James Story, called on Wednesday for an end to hate crimes in the Caribbean country after the murder of a trans woman and two homosexuals. «Our condolences to the families of the three LGBTIQ victims killed in the last 24 hours. When the human rights of one person are attacked, the rights of all are attacked. Pride month is about celebrating our diversity", wrote Story in their networks.

According to data collected by Transgender Europe at their Trans Persons Observatory Murdered, between 2008 and September 2020, 3.664 transgender people in the world were killed by discriminatory prejudices, of which 126 were produced in Venezuela.

Venezuela is in the queue of Latin America in terms of progress for the population LGTB +Since in the country, in addition to being prohibited the civil union between people of the same sex, it is not possible to change identity to trans people or there are no mechanisms for the protection of homoparental families.

Indignation in Venezuela for the brutal murder of three LGTB + people in 48 hours

Sources: elDiario.esThe Confidential

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