"Hen": the Swedish neutral personal pronoun

HEN PERSONAL PRONOUNCE NEUTRAL SWEDEN "Hen": the Swedish neutral personal pronoun

Young people are the ones who use the new term the most

GAYLES.TV.- The reference dictionary of the Swedish language, SAOL, incorporates since its 2015 edition a novelty that is revolutionizing the speech of its citizens. It is a new neutral personal pronoun «hen«, Halfway between the masculine pronoun«he»(He) and the feminine«she" (her). In turn «hen» is inspired by the Finnish neuter pronoun «hän»That has been used for centuries. Its use has been a vindication of the Feminist movement to refer to a person without the need to specify their gender either because it is unknown, it is trans *, or because it is not given importance.

HEN PERSONAL PRONOUNCE NEUTRAL SWEDENWomen's associations and feminists were the first to begin using the neutral pronoun to claim footing and break with the binarism. But the recent decision by the Swedish Academy adding it to the SAOL dictionary has led to a much more general use that is spreading very quickly, especially among young people and adolescents, who have adopted it and made it popular. It already appears with total normality in official documents, in the media, universities, advertising and is fully widespread in Swedish society. The new neutral personal pronoun aims to promote, through language, the gender equality, although many transsexuals ya have used it for decades.

Sources: BBC.com, Cultures Connection, La Vanguardia, Friendlylife

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