Quidditch will be the novelty in this sporting event of GMadrid Sports
El February 19 commemorates the Day against LGTBIphobia in sport because it is the date of birth of Justin Fashanu, the first professional soccer player to come out as gay during his sports career. The pressures and attacks that he received since then led him to suicide in 1998. the sports club LGBTI Madrid Sports organizes a day of vindication with different sports, leisure and educational activities next Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m. at the sports facilities Canal de Isabel II. The objective of this conference is to vindicate the rights of the group within the sports field and denounce any discrimination for reasons of gender identity or expression.
GMadrid Sports is the club LGTBI multisport longest of the Region of Madrid, founded in 2007 as a non-profit association. It is currently made up of more than 670 partners which are distributed in up to 21 sports and artistic sections: yoga, crossfit, jazz dance, aikido, skating, volleyball, hiking, running, paddle tennis, swimming, soccer 7, soccer 11, futsal, cycling, cross training, basketball, handball, free time, pilates, Quidditch and reading workshop.
Quidditch: the novelty of GMadrid Sports
At the conference organized by GMadrid Sports team debuts Quidditch, Madrid Wolves, which will first offer a training session and then a game for all attendees. The incorporation of this sports activity stems from the affiliation of the Spanish Quidditch Association in the Iberian LGTBI+ Sports Group.
Made up mostly of people LGTBI although not exclusively, which makes it a benchmark for inclusion. Its members have the firm purpose of creating safe sports and cultural spaces, and fighting against LGTBIphobia in general and within the sports world, with various actions that include the organization or participation in colloquiums, conferences and activities.