The Generalitat will include non-binary gender, the name "meaning" and family diversity in its documents

The Department of Education of the Generalitat adapts its forms to family diversity The Generalitat will include non-binary gender, the name "meaning" and family diversity in its documents

Catalonia incorporates the reference to non-binarism, to the name "meaning" and to family diversity in administrative documents and information systems

La Department of Equality and FeminismsDirected by Tania Verge, drives the new “Strategy to incorporate the reference to non-binarism, the common name and family diversity in administrative documents and information systems”. The Strategy, approved yesterday as government agreement, will allow everyone to express their identity according to their name "sense"« and gender in the documents and forms of the administration, incorporating the reference to the non-binarism for those people who do not identify themselves as male or female, and taking into account in the forms the possibility that families may be homoparental or single parent.

The measure is not only a recognition of trans, intersex, non-binary people and family diversity, according to the Government, "it is a sign to the whole society that they are taken into account and that their rights are respected" «The wish is that this policy will also drag other administrations or private institutions«, he acknowledged Xavier Flores, CEO LGBTI Public Policies.

The change is expected to apply before two years, a paper and electronic forms and apps that process data for the different administrative procedures of all the organisms of the Generalitat and an interdepartmental commission will be created, in which all the ministries will participate, to apply the strategy and monitor it.

In summary, the Strategy to incorporate the reference to non-binarism, the common name and family diversity in administrative documents and information systems has three objectives:

Name "sense"

Firstly, it aims to facilitate the recognition of people with a gender identity other than the sex assigned at birth, as long as it is not legally recognized in your personal identity document, in the procedures that they carry out with the Administration of the Generalitat and the entities and organizations that are attached to it. Thus, the administrative documents, especially the forms, are adapted to the fact that an intersex person or a Trans* person has right to be named with the name that identifies their personality and their gender. The right to a name is a personality right that helps to develop it and is what identifies the person.

Non Binary gender box

Secondly, it seeks to include in the administrative documents, especially the forms, the reference to people who do not identify themselves as women or men, whenever it is necessary to request the gender of the people.

These changes that guarantee the right to equality and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in the administrative sphere, are framed in Law 11/2014, of October 10, to guarantee the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and intersex (LGBTI) people and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. Guaranteeing the expression of non-binarism and the meaningful name are important elements that contribute to the free development of the personality.

family diversity

The third objective of the Strategy is that the homoparental and single parent families can state the identity of two people of the same gender or a single parent, in the procedures or procedures carried out with the Administration of the Generalitat and the attached entities and bodies, so that it is inclusive for these families. In addition, it is not necessary to specify mother/father, thus taking into account the different sexual orientations and gender identities of the people who make up a family.

Taking family diversity into account guarantees equal treatment and non-discrimination of different family models, right protected by Law 19/2020, of December 30, on equal treatment and non-discrimination.

This change will put an end forever to the situation of families who have to cross out forms and give explanations when they leave the mother-father pattern.

Discomfort with the term noun "sense"

We explain here why we write "meaning" name in quotation marks. This is because many trans* people do not feel comfortable with the term “meaningful name”, given that gender is not "felt", it is, therefore, the name too. Don't feel Alex, Clara, Judith, Mar... You are Alex, Clara, Judith, Mar.

Trans* friends What do you think would be the most appropriate term?

non binary form




Sources: La VanguardiaVilawebGeneralitat de Catalunya

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