The Generalitat will adapt administrative forms to sexual diversity

The-generalitat-forms-diversity-GENDER The Generalitat will adapt administrative forms to sexual diversity

The documents will incorporate a third box for people who identify themselves as non-binary

GAYLES.TV.- El Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies for the Generalitat will adapt all forms and administrative communication to sexual diversity, gender and family expression. The documents will incorporate a third box destined to people that are defined as non-binary. The initiative wants to be a reference for the rest of Catalan administrations in terms of diversity LGBTI.
The instruction of the Generalitat has the vocation of being implemented in all departments of the Generalitat. As established by the 11 / 2014, it is a measure for «make effective the right in equality and non-discrimination because of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in both public and private spheres«.
With this instruction the binarism man / woman is broken and the option is opened to a third box in which transsexual, transgender and intersex people can be defined as non-binary.
It also makes it possible for formulations to be presented for single-parent and homosexual families. The aim of the instruction is not only to avoid discrimination towards the collective, but also to make visible the sexual diversity and the expression of gender to society as a whole. The General Director d'Igualtat Mireia Mata has stated that «the administrative communication is also a space where to show respect for diversity«.
GECO form
Sample form established in the GECO platform


Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

Photographer: Generalitat de Catalunya


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