Gambia pays for the homophobia of its President

Gambia pays for the homophobia of its President

NEWS.- Yesterday we said that we were going on a bad roll strike until the end of the year and we are going to keep it. The headline may have made you think that we were throwing in the towel when you read the word "homophobia." It is what it is, homophobes do not disappear when the end of the year bells ring, evil and cretinism do not take vacations, but still, this one today is good news.

Last October The President of The Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, a man who, due to his face, must have serious digestive problems, must have run out of bicarbonate and decided to promote and sign a law that punishes homosexuality with life imprisonment. Since then, and according to a report from the White House, the "Arrests, detentions and torture of persons due to their sexual orientation or gender identity".  Yahya Jammeh was already sadly known for his statements on television where he argued that gays "are harmful to human existence and I will persecute them like malaria."

Well, the good news is that The US has decided to commercially punish The Gambia for the systematic arrest and torture of homosexuals. The African country has been stripped of the status of special commercial partner that had allowed it to export goods worth, nothing more and nothing less than,  37 million a year to the US without paying taxes.

The director of the Center for the Prevention of Genocide, Jean Freedberg, has declared that this decision "is an important first step in sending a clear signal to President Yayha Jammeh about his human rights record. The rights of LGBT Gambians can not be allowed to be trampled ".

For those who think that the decision will have a negative impact on the entire people of the Gambia, we leave here a couple of notes for reflection. First, clarify that The Gambia is a democratic presidentialist Republic and its President is elected by universal suffrage. A president who in 2008 announced that his government would legislate laws against homosexuals "stricter than those of Iran", and that he would cut off the heads of gays and lesbians discovered in the Gambia by inviting them to leave the country. The second reflection goes through a piece of information: The Gambia has some of the lowest human development indices in the world, with 0,441 it is ranked 172 out of 187 countries. It is clear that those 37 million were not having an impact on the well-being of the people of the Gambia who would do well to consider their vote in future elections.

Warning for sailors: homophobia is expensive. Here, in Sevastopol and Gambia.

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