The Galapagar opposition denounces the withdrawal of LGTBIQ+ banks

The Galapagar City Council removes some benches with the LGTBI+ flag The Galapagar opposition denounces the withdrawal of LGTBIQ+ banks

The PP and Vox City Council in Galapagar removes the benches with the LGTBIQ+ flag from the street

The new Coalition government between PP and Vox de Galapagar (Madrid) has decided to remove the rainbow banks that the previous socialist team had placed in the streets of the municipality as a symbol of recognition of the rights of the collective LGTBIQ + and has replaced them with green ones.

This morning, municipal workers took the banks in trucks to the astonishment of many neighbors who have denounced it on social networks. One of the first to warn of the situation in Twitter has been the ex-councillor of United Left Celia Martell. So has he PSOE, which previously governed this Madrid town with Ciudadanos and is now the main opposition party.

without pride

The inhabitants of Galapagar They had already demonstrated a few weeks ago in defense of inclusion and respect for diversity in the municipality, after the new government of PP and Vox decided not to carry out any recognition during pride month LGTBIQ+.

The socialist spokesman and former mayor, Alberto Gomez Martin, remember that the first vice mayor of Vox, in his first speech, he already warned that the flag was not going to be placed LGTBIQ + on the facade of the Town Hall on Pride Day.

ideological battle

The opposition groups have issued a press release in which they recall that "a few days ago, the benches of the President Adolfo Suárez Square". "This elimination of banks confirms that we are before a team of LGTBIphobic government. They have taken very little to begin their ideological battle”, they sentence.

"From the municipal opposition groups, For Galapagar, PSOE and Among all Galapagar we will always be on the side of the collective LGTBIQ +, defending human rights and fighting hate crimes. We will not consent to a step back in the progress and rights achieved. We want a Galapagar in which we all fit, not just them”, they warn.

green with turtles

The municipal government spokesperson wanted to clarify the reasons for the withdrawal of the rainbow banks: “From the Government we agree to repaint green, our corporate color, all the banks that are painted with flags, regardless of whether it is the one of the LGTBIQ +, the national or the Ukrainian one, because we think that it is not a suitable place”. Hereinafter, "all will be green, with a white template of the turtles on one side, our symbol of the municipality".

The new executive of PP and Vox will charge twice as much as the previous PSOE government in the town. the mayor, Carla Greciano, will charge 59.000 euros, 22% more than its predecessor, and the tenures of mayoralty with exclusive dedication will go from 45.000 euros to 55.000 euros.

The Galapagar City Council removes some benches with the LGTBI+ flag

Sources: Public

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