More diverse forms to reflect the reality of families

The Department of Education of the Generalitat adapts its forms to family diversity More diverse forms to reflect the reality of families

The Department of Education of the Generalitat adapts its forms to family diversity

GAYLES.TV.- Department of Education from Generalitat de Catalunya ha adapted its forms to family diversity. From now on the authorizations for the collection of students, participation in recreational activities or outings outside the school center will have a document in which diversity is taken into account. This small step is the result of the application of the 11 / 2014.

This instruction, which is intended to be implemented in all departments of the Government, is due to the regulatory development of the Law 11/2014, of October 10. Is wanted guarantee the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) and eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. The object of the law, as stated in the Article 1 of it, is «establish and regulate the means and measures to make effective the right to equality and non-discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, in both public and private spheres, on which the Generalitat and local authorities have powers «.

Documents can be found at web of Coeduca't, the program of coeducation, gender perspective and affective-sexual education to the curriculum of the Department of Education. On the other hand, the new instruction also makes it possible to present formulations for single-parent and homosexual families.

La General Directorate of Equality, coordinating body of public policies LGBTI, states that with this instruction they not only avoid discrimination against the group, but also serve to make sexual diversity and gender expression visible to the whole of society. The General Director of Equality Mireia Mata He has celebrated this small advance on his Twitter account.

Source: Twitter,



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