Microtraining in LGBTI diversity for companies

Microtraining in LGBTI diversity for companies

The Generalitat de Catalunya promotes two pioneering microcourses in Europe on LGTBI diversity for companies

La Minister of Equality and Feminisms Tània Verge Mestre and PIMEC Vice President Emma Gumbert i Jordan they have presented two microcourses on LGTBI diversity for companies, pioneers in Europe. In the event, held on May 16 at the new headquarters of the Administrative District of the Generalitat, were present Mireia Mata i Solsona, Secretària d'Igualtats and promoter of the project, y Xavier Florensa i Cantons, General Director of LGBTI+ Public Policies.

This gamified microtraining is a tool aimed at company workers, from general management, human resources, union representatives, communication, marketing, sales teams, reception, operators, maintenance or administration. The first microcourse entitled «LGBTI diversity, an opportunity to improve the work environment» serves as an introduction to basic concepts on the construction of gender that allow us to understand and raise awareness in the work environment about diversity in relation to gender identity, sexual orientation and gender expression and its impact on the work environment.

The second microcourse,»Management of LGBTI diversity in companies, benefits and opportunities» provides resources for companies to start designing a strategic plan and tactical actions to manage LGBTI diversity in the company. The company Kave Home of the Julià group has participated in the pilot test.

The contents, in two languages, have been prepared by Margarita Alonso, academic director of the microcourses and of the Report Aequalis, Maria Giralt Castells, de Gender and LGBT Lab and director of Gayles.tv and the illustrator Sebastian Martin. They have also collaborated Alex Bixquert Grau y Lluïsa Jiménez Gusi from the Area for Equal Treatment and Non-discrimination of LGBTI Persons of the Directorate General for Equality.

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#Training Diversity

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