In the lottery of hate, the best prize is not to live it

In the lottery of hate, the best prize is not to live it In the lottery of hate, the best prize is not to live it

The LGTBI+ State Federation launches the campaign 'The best prize is not to experience it' to raise awareness about the impact of hate during Christmas

Six out of ten people of the collective LGTBIQ + They go back into the closet to go home for Christmas, a moment that for many is an experience of fear, rejection and hiding, so the LGTBI+ State Federation has launched a campaign to defend that "In the lottery of hate, the best prize is not to experience it«.

«Help us to live without fear", asks the FELGTBI+ in an audiovisual campaign that aims to raise awareness about the harsh reality faced by people in this group during the Christmas holidays. The advertisement shows a drag person dressed in party clothes and singing the numbers that come out of a drum like the one in the Christmas lottery.

Discrimination and violence

In the lottery of hate, the best prize is not to live itHowever, the numbers he sings are those of discrimination and violence: for example, four, of those four out of ten people in the collective LGTBIQ + who have been victims of acts of hate in the last five years.

The announcement recalls that one in four students LGTBIQ + suffer bullying because of their sexual orientation, identity and/or gender expression, that 10% of people in the group receive unequal treatment at work or that three out of ten have been forced to flee their homes and take refuge with friends or relatives.

As more numbers come out of the drum, the protagonist's tone goes down. In addition, he takes off his festive attire and the attributes he wears and ends up removing his makeup and wig, as a metaphor for the need that many people in the collective have to hide who they are at home in order to protect themselves.

Lottery of hate

The president of the FELTGBI+, Paula Iglesias, stressed in a statement that "Christmas, which should be a time of refuge and security, becomes for many people a return to the closet and a reminder of all that remains to be changed.«.

«We cannot continue to allow fear to dictate the course of our lives, even less so within our family and social environment. Stopping this spiral of hatred is a priority that must involve the whole of society.«, Has affirmed.

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