35% of ESO students in Madrid show rejection towards the LGTBI community

35% of ESO students in Madrid show rejection towards the LGTBI community 35% of ESO students in Madrid show rejection towards the LGTBI community

A study on LGTBIphobia in classrooms shows that hate speech permeates students

Un 35% of ESO and FP students in the Region of Madrid shows prejudices towards his LGTBI+ colleagues, a 20% more that five years ago, according to a survey by the LGTBI+ Collective of Madrid (Take up) about LGTBphobia in classrooms 2021-2022.

«This is an alarming percentage, and even more so if you take into account that in 2019 the percentage of responses in this regard was 20 points lower (14,70%).«explains the entity's Education team in a statement.

Take up has once again criticized the recent partial repeals of the LGTBI and Trans regional laws, especially with regard to the «elimination of training for teachers and students in diversity«.

Eradicate LGTBIphobia in the classrooms

According to the data collected by the group, until 25% of students who answered the survey do not consider themselves heterosexual, and 1,5% stated that they had suffered LGBTIphobic harassment. According to the organization, these data reaffirm the «urgent need»From«Ensure safe and respectful educational environments for all identities«.

He also emphasizes "the importance of implementing concrete measures to eradicate LGTBIphobia in classrooms«. Therefore, since Take up The educational community and authorities are urged to unite in the defense of inclusive education and support measures that promote equality and diversity in educational centers.

35% of ESO students in Madrid show rejection towards the LGTBI community

Sources: SER chain

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