Homophobic spiral in Barcelona: six attacks in a single day

Homophobic spiral in Barcelona: six attacks in a single day Homophobic spiral in Barcelona: six attacks in a single day

«If you raise your eyebrow, I'll cut your neck«

Black weekend for the people LGTB +: last Saturday six homophobic attacks were committed in Barcelona. In the central beach of the somorrostro at ten o'clock at night there was a multiple assault. A young man had to be operated on for a maxillofacial tear and three others were bruised. It was the latest in a spiral of extreme violence that took place in the city. Just an hour before, in the vicinity of the Auditorium, another man was physically assaulted shouting «fagot«. That same day another young man had received a kick in the neighborhood of Gracia.

The aggression on the beach happened when the group was chatting quietly until three boys broke in who, with «a lot of aggressiveness«, They began to insult the shout of«fucking fagots«. In addition, they threatened: «If you raise your eyebrow, I'll cut your neck«, Assures the victim that one of the attackers said. «They all started spitting and throwing sand on us, one of them came up and kicked one of us and that's when we got up and the blows began: it was horrible»The victims told the digital newspaper All Barcelona. It was the most violent attack. One of the victims has been operated on for a broken jaw caused by the brutal assault.

Extreme violence

President Observatori contra l'Homofòbia (OCH) Eugeni Rodríguez the Mint "the impunity of the aggressors”. He also denounces that they have not been able to be detained, and the “growing fearWhat the collective feels. "It is extremely violent, to which we are getting used to. It is terrible that, after the pandemic, we are in this situation”, Exposes Rodríguez 

From the Barcelona's town hall, The council Marc serra has stated on social networks that the protocol has been activated to intervene in this case and has stated that the council «will never normalize this situation«. Since January in Catalonia have been registered, according to OCH, more than one seventy attacks on the collectiveAttacks that have increased dramatically since the state of alarm ended.

Homophobic spiral in Barcelona: six attacks in a single day

Sources: RAC1All BarcelonaHuffPost

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