14% of Spaniards recognize themselves within the LGTBIQ+ collective, a percentage only surpassed by Brazil
El 14% of Spaniards, between 18 and 74 years old, claims to have a non-normative sexual orientation, which makes it the second country in the world, only behind Brazil (15%), with a greater number of adult population declaring themselves part of the collective LGTBIQ +. Specifically, 6% of Spaniards say they are homosexual and 5% bisexual, according to a survey carried out by the consulting firm Ipsos made to more than 22.500 people in 30 countries between February and March of this year.
This report also points out that the younger the age, the higher the percentage of people LGTBIQ +. In this way, andThe percentage of young people included in generation Z -between 18 and 24 years old- rises to 18%, compared to 10% of the previous generation, the millennials, with an age ranging from 25 to 39 years. In contrast, only 6% of those born between 1965 and 1981 -generation X- recognize themselves as non-heterosexual, a percentage that drops to 4% among boomers, born between 1946 and 1964.
A country of allies
In addition, the survey highlights that Spain it is also, behind again Brazil, the country where more people say they have a homosexual (63%), bisexual (34%), transgender (12%) or non-binary (10%) family member, friend or co-worker. It is women who declare that they have more acquaintances who belong to the group: 42% compared to 31% of men.
In terms of generations, one in two people belonging to generation Z, millennials or X say they know someone LGTBIQ +. However, there is a notable age difference when talking about bisexual people, where the Z are the ones who have the most acquaintances among this group, 43%, compared to 29% of the millennials, 22 of the X and 14% of the boomers.
Support for rights LGTBIQ +
Similarly, Spaniards are among the three populations in the world that most support the right to same-sex marriage (78%), only behind the Portuguese and the Dutch (80%), and 22 points above the global average. In addition, Spain It is the country that most defends the right of adoption by homosexual couples around the world where the percentage reaches 80%, while the world average is 64%. When comparing by age, the pattern is repeated and the Z are the ones who most support this right, with 71% compared to 66% of millennials, 60% of X and 59% of boomers.
The survey also highlights that in the country there is majority support for the measures proposed to improve the integration of the trans people, a group that for 7 out of 10 Spaniards suffers discrimination.