ERC expel singer Sicus Carbonell from the lists for his homophobia

ERC expel singer Sicus Carbonell from the lists for his homophobia ERC expel singer Sicus Carbonell from the lists for his homophobia

The singer of Sabor de Gràcia, Sicus Carbonell, «feel sorry»For the gays

Update: Official statement of Sicus Carbonell April 10, 2019

GAYLES.TV.- Explosive expulsion. Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) He expelled last Monday Sicus Carbonell for his homophobia. "It will not be part of our candidacy", Has affirmed with completeness the independence formation in which the singer of the group of rumba Taste of Gràcia went as 30 number in the municipal lists, headed by Ernest Maragall.

Carbonell had stated in a debate on the radio show The matí of Barcelona de Betevé, which gives you «penalty»Anyone who is born homosexual because «It is a woman trapped inside the body of a man«.

«Our commitment to the rights of LGTBI people is firm and unquestionable«, Published the profile of ERC Barcelona in a tweet, before adding that Sicus Carbonell it will not go finally in the candidacy.


First of all, I would like to clarify this misunderstanding about my statements on Betevé Radio.

I am not homophobic, I have not been, nor ever will be.

During the interview they asked me about homosexual gypsies. I am aware that I am expressing myself badly. I was not at all successful and I did not know how to choose the right words, that is why I apologize sincerely, especially to all those people of the LGTBI collective and society as a whole.

At all times I was referring to the gay gypsy community, a group that suffers discrimination and rejection twice, for being gypsies and for being their sexual condition. I firmly believe that we must work for full equality, fighting against the rejection of our community. Many hide what they really are and that is what I meant that I feel sad and that I think we have to work to improve.

If I talk about this, it's because I know it first-hand. I know gypsies who are homosexuals who have families who accept them, but also families who do not. In the case of my house and my family, it has always been open to everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Surely I have confused concepts, but I wanted to talk about what I have personally experienced. What I want is to help gypsies who are homosexual to normalize their situation within the community and I am available to the LGTBI collective to meet and work in this regard. We must fight together against this rejection suffered by a part of my people. I will always be there, respecting and helping in whatever it takes.

I am a committed member of the Gypsy community, one of the most persecuted people in history. And precisely because I am part of one of the most marginalized groups, I am and I will always be at the side of all the causes that fight for respect and equality. That is why I give my full support to the LGTBI collective, because I believe that they should have the same equality that every human being deserves and the same thing that I want for my people.

Since yesterday I am receiving threats, messages telling me to go from Catalonia, boycott requests to my musical group and very serious insults. This situation hurts me greatly because I firmly believe in equality and respect above all and because I am aware that the use of some expressions was not adequate. I did not express myself very well. I did not know how to explain what I wanted. I reiterate my apologies.

Also, for the respect I have for ERC, Ernest Maragall and the citizens of Barcelona, ​​I understand the consequences of my unfortunate statements and my exit from the electoral list.

I am available to the LGTBI collective to learn more about the unjust situation that it suffers. I want to be part of the fight against the injustices and discriminations that exist in our society. I want to redo what I have done wrong and that is why my disposition is total and I want to learn to know how to do pedagogy.

Many Thanks

Sicus Carbonell

Source: Huffingtonpost, La Vanguardia, Betevé

Photographer: Betevé


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