ERC wants to promote a Catalan trans law

ERC proposes in the Parliament to promote a Catalan "trans law" ERC wants to promote a Catalan trans law

ERC has started the path in Parliament so that one year from now a draft of the Catalan trans law will be completed

ERC has presented this Wednesday at the Parlament a motion in which they ask the Govern begin work to draft a bill on the change of name and recognition of sex of transgender people from Catalonia.

In the text of the motion, they ask the Govern promote the work to develop the future Catalan trans law, who are "based on international recommendations such as Resolution 2018 (2015) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe«.

In this sense, the Government is urged to begin work to prepare the draft law within twelve months, and it is pointed out that this is «one of the ways to comply with the Law of Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination that was approved in the previous legislature«.

ERC proposes in the Parliament to promote a Catalan "trans law"Republicans call for "no need for open court proceedings«, And that it also affects the cases of minors between 14 and 16 years old with regard to the consent of the parents or legal guardians.

It also urges the Ministry of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat to what, "in an interdepartmental, interinstitutional and territorial way«, Promote all the instruments to fight against sexist violence, LGTBIphobic, racist, xenophobic or for any other reason.

"Respectful" attitude of parliamentarians

Republicans also want to vote on the Parlament the duty of the deputies to have «a respectful, scrupulous and exemplary attitude»In parliamentary debates according to«the principles of equality and non-discrimination, both based on gender and sexual orientation, belief, ethnicity or language«. This should include, specified in the motion, “non-stigmatization and targeting of groups LGTBI and very especially of trans people«.

In a statement from the training, the deputy of ERC Jenn Diaz has stated that they defend a trans-inclusive feminism to also stop «institutional violence that some voices, increasingly a minority, are determined to feed«, As well as fighting the forms of hatred in the Parlament that make certain groups vulnerable.

ERC proposes in the Parliament to promote a Catalan "trans law"

Sources: La VanguardiaEuropa Press

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