Confrontation between PSOE and Podemos over the Zerolo Law and the Trans Law

Confrontation between PSOE and Podemos over the Zerolo Law and the Trans Law Confrontation between PSOE and Podemos over the Zerolo Law and the Trans Law

Podemos' first abstention from a PSOE project, which it accuses of disloyalty and blocking the Trans Law

GAYLES.TV.- Confrontation between PSOE y We can in the Congress awarded by the Zerolo Law: the purple formation abstains for the first time upon a proposal from its partner of Government. The match of Pablo Iglesias accuses the Socialists of presenting the Equal Treatment Law unilaterally and without Equality, for which he will abstain from voting. It is the first time that the partners have faced each other so openly on camera.

United We can accuses his partner of acting "unfair»When presenting it in a«unilateral«, So it has decided to abstain in the vote on its parliamentary procedure. An act that shows the internal friction in the camera. Sources of the socialist parliamentary group have expressed deep discomfort at the abstention from We can, since it is the first time that both parties do not support each other with a legislative initiative of the Government. "They have opened that door«, They warn from the PSOE.

According to We can the norm, coined by the Socialists as Zerolo Law (in homage to activist LGTB + Pedro Zerolo) it is a law "tibia"Que"misses the chance to be a vaccine against hate«. The match of Pablo Iglesiasalso accuses the PSOE having found out about your presentation through social media.

The deputy Ismael Cortes has asserted this Tuesday in plenary session that, when presenting this initiative, it is «distorts»The coalition pact, since the agreement also included the LGBTI Law and Trans Law. Precisely, the formation accuses the PSOE to block the debate of these last two norms, developed by the Ministry of Equality directed Irene Montero, in the Council of Ministers.

Coalition Government upset

Sources of Ministry of Equality claim that the PSOE you don't want the draft to be discussed in the Council of Ministers of the next 23 February, as they wanted from the department that directs Irene Montero.

The same sources state that «the surprise is capital"Before this position of the socialists and they call"anomalous"Que"debates of laws are blocked in the preparatory meeting of the Council of Ministers«. Also, from Equality They state that no contribution or modification by any ministry has been recorded.

From MoncloaHowever, they affirm that they do not accept unilateral dates, that the leaked draft of the norm was not consensual and that the usual work between ministries in its elaboration has not been followed. They also insist on the issue of the standard having sufficient regulatory quality and legal certainty.

These sources assert that the Government I would have preferred that this work had continued «the usual channels»For the processing of any law and that a«consensus text«. They also insist on the need to endow the preliminary draft with the «constitutional rigor required by any norm that regulates rights«, Although they defend the Government's commitment to carry out the law«as soon as possible«.

Confrontation between PSOE and Podemos over the Zerolo Law and the Trans Law

FSources: La Sexta

Photographer: La Sexta

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