Encounters in the elderly

Encounters in the elderly

Life beyond the 50 It sounds like science fiction when you are 25, something that happens to others in a parallel dimension. We pass through the street with kind old women and respectable grandparents without thinking that they often look at us from the half-closed doors of cabinets that they never dared to open. Lives kidnapped by the silence and the fear, for the lie and the understood. They are our elders, they are who someday we will also be.

We live immersed in the culture of cult to body and youth, just when life expectancy is prolonged over time. The edatism, or marginalization for reasons of age, it is accused especially in the community LGTBI. After the barrier of the 50, a double invisibility, the one that provokes homophobia and the negation of the collective victim of the syndrome of Peter Pan.

It is urgent to open a deep debate on the subject, promote initiatives such as «Survey on the needs of the LGTB elderly»That drive the Enllaç Foundation and the City Council of Barcelona. Promote leisure activities, sheltered floors, meeting spaces ... It is not about denying integration, but about avoiding painful turns to the closet in geriatrics where having to hide emotions and experiences again.

The Mayans believed that after completing 52 years we were born again after going through all the variables of experience. There is more life, it is not the end of the game.

Montse Trillo, content director of Gayles.tv

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