The alleged aggressor of the 61-year-old trans woman who died in Oviedo after a beating released

A 61-year-old trans woman murdered in Oviedo The alleged aggressor of the 61-year-old trans woman who died in Oviedo after a beating released

MA will be investigated for a "crime of injuries" after concluding the forensic report that the death of the woman occurred for "natural reasons"

GAYLES.TV.- Susana Raised, a 61-year-old trans woman, passed away last Saturday after being battered allegedly at the hands of his partner in a portal of the Primo de Rivera Square de Oviedo. The man, who responds to the initials MY I declare that "there was no aggression"And that his only interest was"get her out of the car so she doesn't go with her friend«. The substitute magistrate of the Court of Violence against Women of Oviedo has issued a release order for the detainee for the attack.

The magistrate appreciated that the forensic report «attributes the death to natural causes derived from the numerous previous pathologies suffered by the woman ». Faced with the evidence, the fiscal Ministery He did not request precautionary measures and the judge ruled accordingly. The case, however, will continue to be investigated for a crime of injuries «without prejudice to the fact that said qualification could be modified throughout the instruction«, Reported the Superior Court of Justice of Asturias.

A 61-year-old trans woman murdered in OviedoLaura Darriba, friend of Susana Raised, requested yesterday before the Court a restraining order from the alleged aggressor. up fear «retaliation»For having come to the aid of her friend on the afternoon of the events. She had asked him for help after she said her partner kicked her out of the house. He went by car to look for her at her home. When the victim was already inside, he appeared MY who supposedly forced his partner out of the car and led her to the portal. The next thing he saw upAccording to her testimony, it was how the ambulance took her friend to the hospitals, where he died. In between and inside the portal, the alleged aggression of MY a Susana, which would be registered in the building's security cameras. The victim vanished there.

FOR up, that he Court of Violence against Women set the suspect free on charges of a crime of injury based on the forensic report does not hold. «It is inconceivable that they attribute her death to natural causes, she was not as sick as they point out, her ailments were normal for her age«, He related.

Following the death of Susana Raised, the president of the Trans Mar Cambrollé Platform denounced an increase in hatred of transgender people: «We trans women suffer the same violence as non-trans women«. If this case is confirmed, the number of women killed by gender-based violence would rise to 32 en 2020 y 1.065 from 2003.

A 61-year-old trans woman murdered in Oviedo

Source: Trade, Europa Press, The Spanish

Photography: The Trade (Mario Rojas)


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